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Glossary of Microsoft Access, SQL and Database Terms

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Glossary of Database Terms - Page 3

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Sample Tables | 1-9 | A-D |E-M | Natural Join | Natural Key | Negative Subquery | Non-identifying Relationship | Normalization | NULL | ODBC | | OLAP | OLTP | One-to-Many Relationship | One-to-One Relationship | Optionality | Orphan Record | Parent Table | Permanent Link | PL/SQL | Primary Key | Query | RAID | Recursive Join | Recursive Relationship | Referential Integrity | Relation | Relationship | Required Field | Resolution Table | Row | Second Normal Form | Secondary Key | Self Join | Single-valued Subquery | Snapshot | SQL | Straight Join | Strong Relationship | Structured Key | Subquery | Subselect | Surrogate Key | T-SQL | Table Alias | Table Constraint |Table Validation | Technical Key | Third Normal Form | Transact SQL | Transaction | Transient Link | Tuple | Uncorrelated Subquery | Unbound Form | UNION | Update Query | Validation Rule | VBA | View | Weak Relationship | X | Y | Z | Sample Tables

Notation Conventions: primary keys underlined, foreign keys italicized, table name all caps. Sample definition of a relation using this common relational notation...

EMPLOYEES (EmpNo, FirstName, LastName, DeptID, MgrNo)

Natural join; a join using a slightly simpler syntax with no ON predicate. Not often seen. There is no ON predicate as the join operation will match on columns with the same names in the two tables. See example below. There are variations for natural left, etc. The default is inner. There is a further variation if the two names are not the same.

select fname, lname, description
from employees natural join departments;

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Natural key; a primary key established on a column with some natural meaning. Examples might be Social Security Number or Driver's License.

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Negative subquery; a form of multi-valued subquery. Common in commercial practice. In the example below the subquery returns a list of deptids which are then searched by the NOT IN operator. Example: find employees with a department not in the DEPARTMENTS table (i.e., unassigned employees).

select fname, lname
from employees
where deptid not in (select deptid from departments);

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NULL; sounds like it should mean NIL, or nothing but it doesn't. It means missing or unknown. To find a record with a NULL you have to use the IS NULL operator. If in the example tables below you searched for all employees who did not have a MgrNo = 11 you would get no rows back! Why? Because employee 11 has a NULL MgrNo. Therefore it is not known whether or not 11's MgrNo is equal to your search criteria. Try it.

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Non-identifying relationship; Relationship between two independent (strong) entities. Some CASE tools identify these relationships with a dotted line. An example would be a relationship between customers and invoices. Contrast with an identifying relationship.

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Normalization; the process of decomposing a poorly structured table into several smaller well structured tables. There are several levels of normalization (1st normal form, 2nd, 3rd, Boyce-Codd which is an improved 3rd level, 4th, 5th and Domain Key/Normal). Third normal or Boyce-Codd is a common goal.

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ODBC; Open Database Connectivity - a middleware standard that allows a client computer program to connect to different data sources (Excel, text, most all relational databases) with little, if any, reprogramming. Data sources are defined via a DSN (Data Source Name) set up on the client (in a 3 tier architecture this would be the web server). Microsoft Access can readily take advantage of ODBC data sources via linked tables. You can create DSN's via the Control Panel on Windows systems.

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OLAP; OnLine Analytical Processing - Analysis of on-line data via various analytical tools such as Brio or Excel pivot tables. Often requires extracting relational data into a multi-dimensional cube with pre-aggregated summary information. A database used for OLAP would be read-intensive with extensive history information.

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OLTP; OnLine Transaction Processing - Bread and butter operational database with frequent updates. OLTP databases are widespread throughout business. The term transaction comes from the fact that these database applications process transactions such as updating inventory, handling an ATM cash withdrawal, charging a bill to a customer, etc.

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One-to-many relationship; a relationship between two entities in which each row in the first (parent) can be related to more than one row in the second (child). An example would be an EMPLOYEE parent table with primary key EmpNo, and a child DEPENDENTS table with a foreign key EmpNo referencing the EMPLOYEE table. Referential integrity can be used to ensure child records are not inserted without a valid parent.

The foreign key always goes in the table on the many side.

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One-to-one relationship; a relationship between two entities or tables in which each row in one is related to only one row in the other. An example would be an Employee Table and an Employee Benefits table, each with a primary key of employee number. Sometime two tables with the same primary key indicates the two should really be combined. In this case we want two separate tables as the EMPLOYEE table might be frequently accessed whereas only a special HR application would access the EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS table.

To create a one-to-to-one relationship in MS Access set the foreign key to indexed - yes (no duplicates) before drawing the relationship line.

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Optionality; refers to whether or not an entity must participate in a relationship. In a relationship between customers and invoices, for example, an invoice might be required (optionality mandatory) to refer to a customer; conversely a customer could be a lead with an invoice optional (not required). ERD drawing tools usually allow you to denote the end of the relationship line next to the entity as optional or mandatory.

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Orphan Record; a child record with a foreign key to a parent record that has been deleted or had its primary key changed. This can happen when referential integrity is not enforced. It is an "orphan" because it no longer has a corresponding "parent" record.

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Parent Table; the table on the one-side of a one-to-many relationship.

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Permanent Link; a relationship between two tables established in the Access relationship designer. Get to it from Tools-->Relationships on the menus. Once the link between the two tables is established it is permanent and other Access components such as designers and wizards can automatically use the relationship. The other type of link is the transient, which see below.

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PL/SQL; Procedural Language/SQL. the extended version of SQL with procedural constructs used in Oracle databases. The extensions were originally derived primarily from the ADA programming language.

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Primary Key; the column or columns used to uniquely identify every row in a table. Example: EmpNo in the EMPLOYEES table. Truly relational tables must have a primary key. (See SQL Server Magazine article with information on designing primary keys). In a nutshell primary keys should not change, should have no intrinsic meaning and, to paraphrase Einstein, be as small as possible but no smaller.

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Query; a question. A database operation that retrieves data from a database. For example, finding all customers with orders greater than $1,000 in the month of January. Often used (somewhat loosely) to mean any operation expressed in the SQL language. Access has three basic ways to create queries (in ascending order of power and flexibility):

The Simple Query Wizard
The Query Designer
SQL View

All allow you to save the definition of the query for later use.

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RAID; Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks. Hard drive system with multiple disks allowing for various levels of reliability and recoverability.

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Recursve Join; same as self join below.

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Recursive Relationship; a relationship wherein an entity is related to itself. A one-to-many example would be a students entity related to itself via a "rooms with" relationship. See self join below for a many-to-many example; see Uncorrelated Subquery for another.

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Referential Integrity; refers to the integrity of the foreign key references in a database. All foreign keys should refer to valid primary keys in other tables. In our sample cost accounting database one could not enter a labor ticket without a valid work order and employee. An attempt to do so would cause a referential integrity error. Most relational databases, including MS Access, can enforce this.

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Relation; not to be confused with relationship. A relation is the relational database theory term for a table. In fact, the term relational database means a database of relations. All rows are unique and all values are atomic.

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Relationship; an association between two or more entities such as that between DEPARTMENTS and EMPLOYEES. Also between one entity and itself in a recursive relationship. The number of entities in the relationship is the degree. Most commonly encountered relationships are binary, involving exactly two entities. Relationships of degrees greater than two do occasionally occur and are more complex to deal with.

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Required Field; a field that must be filled in at the time the record is created. The database will not let you create a record without supplying a value. Contrast with "an important field that has to be filled in sooner or later". This is the terminology used in MS Access. Other terms are mandatory and NOT NULL (SQL Term).

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Resolution Table; yet another term for intersection table.

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Right Outer Join; a type of join which selects all rows with matching join columns plus all non matched rows from the second table. Missing values are filled with nulls. In our sample tables a right join of EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS on DeptID would return three rows. For the third row values of EmpNo through MgrNo would be null.

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Row; same as record. A relational table is composed of rows and columns. Each row must be uniquely identifiable through a primary key. A row contains all the information about one instance of an entity. In the sample tables below the EMPLOYEES table contains 2 rows.

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Secondary key; a key used to speed searches and retrieval. Not necessarily unique. Example: the state column in a CUSTOMERS table address fields. Typically, these are implemented in Access by specifying the field as indexed and selecting duplicates(yes/no) as appropriate.

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Self Join; yes, a table can be joined to itself. A common example would be an employee table with primary key EmpNo. The table would also contain a foreign key MgrNo that referenced the EmpNo in the same table. A join of EMPLOYEES to itself could list all employees and their manager. Create a self join in the MS Access Query Designer by adding the same table twice. Reset the alias property of the second copy to Managers and join on Employee.MgrNo = Manager.EmpNo.

The above is an example of a self join in a recursive one-to-many relationship. Joins can also implement a recursive many-to-many relationship. Still with us? This requires an intersection table between the original table and its copy. Assume an employee can have more than one manager as in matrix management. The intersection table, say REPORTING_RELATIONSHIPS, could be:

REPORTING_RELATIONSHIPS(EmpNo, MgrNo, Reporting_Relationship)

The Jet SQL to list employees with their managers would then appear as follows:

select employees.empno, employees.name, reporting_relationships.reporting_relationship, managers.name
from (employees inner join reporting_relationships
on employees.empno = reporting_relationships.empno)
inner join employees as managers
on reporting_relationships.mgrno = managers.empno;

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Single-valued subquery; a subquery that returns a single value that can be used in comparisons. See Uncorrelated Subquery for an example.

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Snapshot; a read only recordset. Used when you are processing a recordset but don't need to update its data. Faster for this purpose than a dynaset.

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SQL; Structured Query Language. The lingua franca of relational databases. Virtually all relational databases store and retrieve data via SQL. The most common commercially implemented standard is SQL92 although SQL99 has been released.

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Straight join; Straight join?! Yes. Used in MySQL to force tables to be joined in the exact order listed in the SQL statement FROM clause.

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Strong relationship; same as identifying relationship. Not to be confused with strong entity.

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Structured key; another term for composite key.

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Subquery; a query inside a query. Used as a part of one of the clauses in another query. Example: find employees with a department not in the DEPARTMENTS table.

select fname, lname
from employees
where deptid not in (select deptid from departments);

The subquery is enclosed in parentheses. Most joins can be expressed as subqueries and vice-versa. In the MS Access Query Designer place the subquery in the appropriate row in the QBE grid. (Criteria row in the example above). Subqueries come in three basic flavors: single-valued, multi-valued, and correlated. The above subquery is multi-valued.

Subqueries are not restricted to select statements. They can also be used in update statements, having clauses, etc.

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Subselect; another term for Subquery. However, I prefer to restrict the definition to subqueries that appear in the select list. As an example the following query retrieves employee names, their salaries and the average of all salaries.

select name, salary, (select avg(salary) from employees)
from employees;

Not all databases support this.

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Surrogate key; a key generated by the application. It has no meaning in and of itself. Example: Invoice_Number for an INVOICES table. It could be generated by the MS Access auto number facility.

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T-SQL; abbreviation for Transact SQL.

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Table Alias; see Alias

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Table Constraint; a constraint that applies to an entire record or row, not just one field in a table. To compare one field against another, for example, you must use a table constraint. In SQL, these are clauses in the CREATE and ALTER statements. In MS Access right click on the table title in design mode and go to properties. The validation rule there applies to the whole row and you can reference multiple fields.

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Table Validation; see Table Constraint.

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Technical Key; yet another term for surrogate key.

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Transact SQL; extended SQL dialect used by SQL Server and Sybase.

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Transaction; A series of one or more SQL statements treated as a single, atomic unit of work. The effects of a transaction can be rolled back or committed as a whole. A banking example: deduct from savings and then add to checking.

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Transient link; a temporary relationship between two tables created by the Access query designer that lasts only for the duration of the query.

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Tuple; relational theory term for row. Relations have tuples, tables have rows, files have records. Avoid this term around the office.

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Uncorrelated Subquery; A type of subquery that does not reference its outer query. The following example retrieves all labor tickets with hours worked greater than the average hours worked.

select *
from labor
where workhours > (select avg(workhours) from labor);

In the Access Query Designer the subquery can be placed in the Criteria Row.

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Unbound form; A form which does not have an associated data or record source. Often used to collect parameters for a report. Say the from and to dates.

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UNION; An SQL set operation statement which combines the results of two or more SELECT queries. Say for example there is a labor_history table in our sample database which contains archived records. We could use the UNION statement to combine the records from the current labor table and the history table as follows...

select *
from labor
select *
from labor_history;

Unfortunately, Access does not provide a Wizard or Designer view to do this. You have to use the SQL View.

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Update Query; a query which updates one or more existing columns. The Access Query Designer creates an SQL UPDATE statement. The example:

update employees
set deptid = "R1"
where empno = "12";

transfers Mary to the Refurbishment department. Without a where clause the update statement will operate on all rows.

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Validation Rule; MS Access rule used to enforce domain integrity. I.e to ensure column values are valid. Examples: make sure all amounts are positive, dates are greater than or equal to today, etc. In an enterprise database you would use an SQL CHECK constraint such as CHECK (hours > 0).

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Click to see an example of an MS Access validation rule

View; a virtual table. Created with a CREATE VIEW statement in SQL or via a saved query in MS Access.

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VBA; Visual Basic for Applications. The internal programming language used by MS Access. Similar to its big brother Visual Basic.

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Weak Relationship; Same as a non-identifying relationship (which see). Not to be confused with weak entity.

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In additon to any general comments feel free to suggest a new term and definition.

Sample Tables (primary keys underlined, foreign keys italicized) abstracted from a cost accounting database...









































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Database Glossary Page 3

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